How Reiki helped a 9 day old baby with facial paralysis

Dec 31, 2023

Here is just a little glimpse into one of my sweetest encounters with a new mom and her 9 day old baby.

Energy work like Reiki is safe enough to use on the youngest of clients. But I don't stop here, I have worked with a fetus in utero and helped a mom have a natural birth instead of the C-section she was scheduled for. 

Enjoy this Vlog!

xo Samantha

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Exploring Fertility Beyond the Physical: A Holistic Approach

Dec 12, 2023

As a holistic wellness coach, I've had the privilege of working with countless individuals on their journey to parenthood. While many commonly perceive fertility issues as purely physical, my perspective delves deeper into the connection of mind, body, and spirit. In this blog post, I'd like to shed light on the idea that fertility is not just a physical experience, but rather a holistic experience that encompasses various facets of our well-being. By embracing a holistic approach, we can better understand and address fertility & pregnancy challenges with a more comprehensive outlook.

The Mind-Body Connection

It's essential to recognize the profound connection between our mental and emotional well-being and our physical health. Stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotional issues can significantly impact our overall wellness, including fertility. High stress levels can lead to hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and even affect sperm quality in men.

By incorporating...

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From Disappointment to Hope: My Path to Motherhood Through Healing

Oct 13, 2023

You tell yourself this month is going to be it. You just know it. You can feel the connection coming in; only to have yet another disappointment... Not pregnant.

How many more times do you have to go through this? Is it worth it for your mental health? These were all questions and feelings that came up for me too when I was trying to conceive my first child.

It was a 2-year-long ordeal with each month deflating my hopes and dreams more and more. And then, when I finally conceived and was on cloud nine, a miscarriage at 6 weeks, then another at 10 weeks, the next time I conceived. Why? This is so unfair! I wanted to be a mom so bad!!

The dialogue would start each month with… I'm a failure, my body is failing me, I'm not good enough to be a mom, I can't do this, why is this happening to me? These statements were playing in my mind each and every day.

Yeah, maybe my relationship wasn't the greatest, and I'm not even sure why I wanted to bring a child into the uncertainty of it...

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